Social Bucket Ad report

Submit an Ad report

Our team will contact you back as soon as possible. Thankyou

Note* : Submit only if

1 - Ad has been posted without your permission.

2 - Something wrong posted on ad.

3 - Details didn't matching with channel.

4 - Duplicate ad.

5 - If already sold (but still listed on our platform).

Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Contact *
Account name that you're reporting. *
Which ad you're reporting ? *
ID number of that ad *
Select report reason *
Message for our team *
Screenshot of that ad *

Max file size (Mb): 2

Max number of files: 1


For more queries :

NOTE : If you want to join our Partner Program, then please visit this page.

What is ID Number ?

We always provide a unique ID number to every account/channel that has been listed on our platform.